Monday, March 14, 2016

Taruveda 0 : Under the tree

'Heya, pretty lady! Whatsay we go eat. I'll taste that peach and you can try some cock meat.' Shiva jibed, rolling meaningfully on the grass.

'Ew. Gross, Shiva. Go away! Go sit atop that mountain you like so much. Please don't come back.'

'Don't fume like that. You'll dry out. Did Brahma dump you already?'

'None of your business.' she bit her lips and folded her legs as she fingered through the pearls on her shiny white dress, 'He's just working on a project with Ganga.'

'Ganga, hmmmm? She's a fiesty one you know... how she tangled into my hair, damn.'

'Whatever.' Saraswati shrugged

'A laudable attitude. Let go of these meaningless complications.' Siddhartha chimed in as he entered the conversation and sat down a few feet away with his back against the aged trunk of the oak.

'Thanks Sid.' 

Shiva turned around to speak to the newcomer. 'Dude, where were you? Vishnu was so pissed. Have you ever left that canopy of yours this semester?'

'I don't care, man. Everything is futile. All Vishnu does is tie us in pointless classes with fictional floating number awards to make us compete. It's stupid.'

'There he goes. The cool prince Siddhartha. Come to Manthan some time, man. It's a tug-of-war out there, one can use a smart wingman.'

'Nah. The mood is too dark for my taste. And the bartender is shady, to say the least. No wonder you look so blue.' 

Slowly, Saraswati got up, 'Well, if you'll excuse me. Unlike you guys, I have to study. Tell Brahma I said "Hi". Ummm... nevermind.'

She left. They watched her striking figure cut through the green field under the bright blue sky, until she turned into the stone corridor of the dorms.

'Such a shame.'


'Oh. Sid, we need to talk. I need your opinion on this idea. There is this worldbuilding project I've been working on.'

'I'm cool, man. I like you, but projects don't interest me.'

'Hear me out. Here, smoke this blunt. It is grand. Or it'll be, big enough to burn through all my supply of Purple haze for months to come. So big that Mahabharata will just fit in like a speck of sand.'

'Hmmm.. Okay.'

--- 10 minutes later ---
'Alright, pass the light.'

'So, you see. It is literally 'world building'. A few weeks back, looking around from my place, I looked at the valley. I was at a high place, literally, above the whole planet. That's when I thought to myself, 'That'd be fun!'. Brahma and I already did some major work with the crowd AIs, good enough for Vishnu. What if we make a model evolutionary universe with well defined scale free laws? Start with a framework and add millions of AI in a world like ours. Best part, we - you, me, and others, will guide them. Our minions. We will feature in their world. The AI won't even know. Can you imagine that?'

'Hmmmm. Ssssssssss..... phhhhhheeew... Totally. I can see, me, living there. Brahma, the creator and architect. You, the destroyer with a crazy third eye.'
Shiva sat up, 'Woah! I like that, destroyer of the worlds.' As the spiff passed through hands, creativity flowed in, "I'll have my own mountain, watch over the world from atop it, show some nice moves to the hardworking pilgrims. We can convince Vishnu to mod, he can do the boring work. He'll butt-in anyway. We'll be like gods, man.'

'Yeah. Gods. We need women too. Saraswati can be the goddess for learning. Oh, and Laxmi will be the Goddess of Wealth, gold digger that she is. That bitch.'

'Pffft. That's hilarious. She doesn't seem very useful, as such. If you want, I'll work something out. Probably make her Vishnu's underling, serving his whims.'
'Much appreciated.'

'She'd have weaseled her way in for grades, once she heard. And I bet she's pretty handy with Vishnu, these 3 oz on that.'

'I raise you 6. We are on the same side though. And not my business anymore anyway.'

'What's your role?'

'Well, I'll be me. A prince. I'll leave home, attain nirvana, and become god.'

'Lame. What kind of backstory is that?'

'Dude. I've worked on those AI too. They won't take shit from us gods for long. However, if I posed as them, I could manage the population from within. We could take turns. It would be fun. Take my word, you've got a gold-egg here.'

'You mean gold-egg laying hen?'

'What's the difference?'

'Gold-egg is only one gold-egg, hen will potentially lay countless such eggs.'

'But the gold-egg will hatch and give us the gold-egg laying hen.'

'Damn. The chicken-and-egg problem. I'm too baked to do the math right now. It feels we went off the track somewhere.'

'Yeah. Talking of chicken makes me hungry. Let's go. My treat.'
The text here refers to (and parodies) Indian mythology. This will be expanded later. Check out Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, Goddess Saraswati, Goddess Laxmi, Gautam Buddha (Siddhartha). 
It's a work in progress. Comments welcome.