Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Writing Challenge 0.0

In a blog, you have to assume a reader on the other end. Now that I think about it, the reader could very well be a computer reading the language, parsing my syntax for emotions and content, and even leaving a lovely comment. Quite spooky.


This blog was intended to assess my own abilities as a writer while allowing external feedback. Something to do before I started writing in earnest. But waiting is called patience only if it precedes an opportune climax. For that to happen, I need to produce substance beyond the few haggard paragraphs I have been writing.

The main point - I'll be down at my laptop, typing the day away for the next 15 days, working to produce a novella. I have a technically advanced, semi-dystopian social setting in mind, but all rules are flexible except one - there will be content, minimum 10,000 words.

I will not be reviewing much, so please excuse my mistakes, or better - point them out. I might even take a friendly new yorker out for beer.
