Sunday, October 23, 2016

Story sho(r)t: The man who couldn't love

 A man who thinks he is loved, Joe.  Each a different occasion, a different time, a different place, a different somebody - a stranger; an old schoolmate; a street dancer on her spiritual journey; the bartender at the local microbrewery; all the friends at work; now estranged family; a lover. Fast life of the day leaves little room for grand respites. But Joe is a traveler. He loves visiting exotic places, a frenzied pilgrim checking-in with his thousand deities, and meeting new strange people. Joe has explored the big world already, his family, his friends more astonished every time he comes back. Still, Joe is a average man, an optimist who understands the world.

 'We are doing it wrong.' Joe told Boss, 'You shouldn't expect people to just put their phone in the pocket because you ask nicely. A human system cannot be contained in boxes. They evolve together as participants test the rules and the enforcement. They cut corners, leverage power within different roles, and setup. Once an etiquette develops around the exchange, they would even oppose the rules together. Worst case, the rules include rules to protect the rules. Like religions...'

Boss winced slightly, adjusted his fancy black chair to face Joe and said, 'Can you please listen Joe?'

Joe halted the explanation midway, rather disappointed that he couldn't finish again.

Boss continued, 'Joe, you are the newest hire. Please put up the "No phones in corridors" flyers we got from the HR.'

  Joe spent his sweet time sticking those flyers. As he went back to report, the Boss sighed and settled himself back in his fancy black chair, and spoke, 'Do you have time?' Without waiting for an actual answer, he continued, 'We are re-organizing the department next Monday. You will be moving to the team upstairs. I know you have this condition, but try to be more normal.'

'What condition? Normal how?' Joe was confused.

'Ah. Well. How should I say this. You are quite volatile. And people find you critical and patronizing. This peer review may help.'

His hand automatically moved to take the paper thrust his way. Joe was shocked. It read:

Summary - Opportunistic. Unreliable. Aloof. Chatty;

Most employee consider as : an Aquaintance / Stranger;

Joe was stunned. He was hated by everyone. Old wounds resurfaced with the new. Each a different occasion, a different time, a different place, the same looks, the same excuses - his good friends at work who turned out to be strangers; the best friend that wouldn't accept his love; a spurned crush pushing and pulling at the threads of guilt crisscrossing his heart; Joe's brother who was embarrassed in being Joe's brother; the ever vigilant neighbors; his disappointed father; even the only lover, who got sick of the drama.

But Joe is a tourist. He looks and moves on, never stopping where he isn't welcome. He will again leave for an exciting place. Joe will meet stranger newer people, have some adventures. He knows, he's the man who is hated. By everyone else. Just like everyone else.

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